
Pre ICPR Events



Pre ICPR Events


Marco Aqil

Speaker Bio

I am a PhD candidate at the Spinoza Centre for Neuroimaging in Amsterdam, in the group of prof. S. Dumoulin. I am also the founder of the Amsterdam Psychedelic Research Association (APRA), and served as Board Director from its official inception until the end of my term (2018-2022). My main research interests are mathematical models of neural information-encoding strategies, particularly in the visual cortex, and dynamical models of neural activity; I am deeply interested in psychedelics as a scientifically challenging but extremely valuable tool to probe brain dynamics and subjective experience. Finally, I am interested in the role played by low-level sensory (particularly visual) phenomena in influencing high-level constructs and therapeutic modes of psychedelic experiences (and viceversa).

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© 2007-2024 ICPR by OPEN Foundation, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
© 2007-2024 ICPR by OPEN Foundation, Amsterdam, the Netherlands