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Pre ICPR Events


Wim van den Brink, MD, PhD

AMC - Department of Psychiatry

Speaker Bio

Wim van den Brink (1952) received his medical degree in 1981. After his training as a psychiatric epidemiologist in Groningen (1983-1986) and New York (1986-1987) he got his PhD degree 1989. Since 1992 he is full professor of Addiction Psychiatry at the Amsterdam University Medical Centers. In 2014 he received the lifetime achievement award from the Netherlands Association of Psychiatry and in 2015 he became honorable member of the Spanish Society for Dual disorders. In 2017 he received the European Addiction Research Award from the European Federation of Addiction Societies (EUFAS) and in 2020 he became Professor Honoris Causa at the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Hungary. He is a (co)author of more than 600 international peer reviewed scientific papers (HI WoS =85; HI Google Scholar =116). He has been a thesis advisor of more than 75 PhD students. He has been the chair of the Workgroups that developed the Dutch Treatment Guidelines on Alcohol Use Disorders, Opiate Addiction and Drugs other than opioids. He is one of the founders and president of the International Collaboration of ADHD and Substance Abuse (ICASA). His main scientific interests are related to the neurobiology addiction and the pharmacological treatment of substance use disorders and related comorbidities.

ICPR 2024 Abstract

The Dutch State Committee on MDMA: Summary of Findings and Recommendations

In this presentation I will summarize the activities of the Dutch State Committee on MDMA, its main findings and its most important recommendations.

The committee consisted of a multidisciplinary group of five experts in the fields of (international) law, epidemiology, psychiatry, emergency medicine, criminology and sociology/prevention and was supported by two secretaries. The committee convened regularly online and in-person, spoke with experts and stake holders and reviewed the literature.

Reviews and recommendations are presented on the history of MDMA, issues regarding the recreational use of ecstasy (illegal produced MDMA) and the current situation of MDMA assisted Therapy (MDMA-AT) for the treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Given the classified status of the report, no details on the recommendation can be provided in this abstract, but the report will be publicly available from the 6th of June 2024 and thus the main findings and recommendation can be presented and discussed during the ICPR on the 7th of June 2024.

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© 2007-2024 ICPR by OPEN Foundation, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
© 2007-2024 ICPR by OPEN Foundation, Amsterdam, the Netherlands